Sunday, February 08, 2015

Nearing Home: Life, Faith and Finishing Well by Rev. Billy Graham (2011)

I received a free Kindle copy of Nearing Home by Reverend Billy Graham in exchange for an honest review of the book.

It's taken me a while to get this review.  When I received it, yes, at least 3 YEARS ago, I wanted to read it but it didn't catch my interest and other things were going on. . . so I put it aside (electronically speaking).

I guess it was turning 50 a couple of weeks ago that has me interested in the text now but, for whatever reason, I'm so glad I picked it back up a couple of days ago.

For those who aren't familiar with Dr. Graham, here's a link to his bio on Wikipedia:  Even if you ARE familiar with him, I suggest you mosey on over and read this, and wear your chinstrap, my mouth was in my lap while reading about his family . . . .

Anyway, Nearing Home is written by Dr. Graham as a sort of primer for those reaching retirement age -- or anyone who may EVER reach that age (read: anyone).  He aims his magnifying glass at those who are past 60 and uses scripture to back up his advice and teaching (as ever).  He urges:

  • Planning - Do you have a retirement plan -- for your finances, your time, your spiritual growth? He also touches on Wills and Living Wills.
  • Participation - Don't just sit back and do nothing, you'll get bored, find ways to live and participate in life; and
  • Proclamation - God calls all ages to preach the gospel -- see Matthew 28:19-10. (Why yes, I am a Baptist, why do you ask?)

Nothing in this book is particularly earth-shattering but Dr. Graham is transparent in his struggles and triumphs with the issues he brings up and peppers his narrative with scripture and stories -- as any good grandfather would.

While not particularly timely for me, this book has been an excellent reminder that time does move faster than we think and before I know it, retirement age will be upon me.  I am forced to ask myself what my plan is . . . and if I don't have one, what will it be?  I recommend it as an "in-between" book  -- when you want something that will teach you a bit but you don't want to have to think too hard and you want to continue to respect the author when you're through.

Thank you Dr. Graham, for your life's service to the cause of Christ and for this book, what may be your final advice to a weary world.

You can find Nearing Home here:

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