Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What's my "Call"??

I don't mean the kind you receive on the telephone. Nor do I mean being "on call" as one in an important profession, such as doctor, nurse or plumber. I mean, what does God want me to be doing? To what end am I supposed to be working with the gifts I have been given?

I've never taken a "spiritual gifts" survey but I'd like to. If you've taken one, did the results come as a surprise? Were they a Revelation? Were you spurred to heights of missionary zeal??

Tell me all about it!


Anonymous said...

Hey Sista, the spiritual gifts thingy that the church offered way back was very enlightning. Part of the survey had questions for your friends to fill out about you! My gifts and my passion were not a big surprise but it was very reinforcing to have them validated.

Anonymous said...

Ol' whitehairwomansays--
yea --took it too--but others saw me different --not as the survey "saw" me or as I saw me and knew me to be-----HMMMMM--but good to find out about oneself......

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Close your eyes and think about the last time you visited a brand new mom, either in the hospital or at home.  Did you call first? If you d...