Okay, here’s my frustration with politics in the good ole U.S. of A…
It’s stupid. How can anyone trust ONE group to meet all of their needs? Take me . . . and I don’t think I’m unique in this because I’m not unique in much of anything. .. I consider myself an “evangelical Christian,” but I’m not a “Republican.” Not the way I see it.
I like it when the government does things for me, like take care of some money for my retirement and, some fine day, my healthcare.
I pray to “end abortion,” but I don’t want to go back to criminalizing woman for having them.
I’m a student of history and, even though it’s been legal for most of my lifetime, I know that women were having them il-legally and DYING, along with their babies, for almost as long as we’ve been able to make babies. Do we really think that’s best?
I believe that the citizens of this country – with “Christians” first in line – should be:
1) Teaching their daughters about sex and its consequences; encouraging abstention but preparing for temptation,
2) Realistic about expectations for those women (young and not-so-young) who have “unwanted” pregnancies,
3) Providing support for those who seek abortions and don’t have them if they are talked out of it (especially by a Christian Organization) and,
4) Therapy for ALL who seek information and assistance.
It makes me so angry to think that people who call themselves Christians can think of no better way to get woman to NOT have abortions than picketing facilities while screaming at patients and, in extreme cases, blowing them up! Why not do something constructive and volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center. Hand out their business cards at the abortion clinic. PRAY in the parking lot. Don’t be confrontational and mean, be loving and gracious.
Okay, stepping down from my soapbox now.
As I was saying . . . I don’t want government bail-outs for every idiot who runs a company into the ground and I don’t think the taxpayers should foot the bill for people who spend more than they can afford on a mortgage OR the companies who let them do so. However, I’m not an economic or financial genius, as evidenced by our credit score and bank balances, so I’m willing to let someone smarter than I am to make decisions about it for the most part.
I don’t want a socialist society, per se, but I would like to see a fairer tax code and I believe that, in the wealthiest country on the planet, it’s a travesty to have children go hungry and homeless. Frankly, I’m angrier with the Christian community about the existence of all the hunger and need in our country than with the government. Jesus called us to give to and care for “the least of these.” Not hoard money and treasure for ourselves “where moths and rust . . . destroy.”
I want us out of Iraq. I want Osama bin Laden hunted down and brought to justice and he’s not in Iraq. Never was.
Finally, sort of, I don’t want someone LIKE me running the country. As forward-thinking as the founding fathers were, I’m not sure they ever envisioned what the US has become. It’s much bigger and much more complex than even those brilliant men could have anticipated. So, even though John Adams
It’s stupid. How can anyone trust ONE group to meet all of their needs? Take me . . . and I don’t think I’m unique in this because I’m not unique in much of anything. .. I consider myself an “evangelical Christian,” but I’m not a “Republican.” Not the way I see it.
I like it when the government does things for me, like take care of some money for my retirement and, some fine day, my healthcare.
I pray to “end abortion,” but I don’t want to go back to criminalizing woman for having them.
I’m a student of history and, even though it’s been legal for most of my lifetime, I know that women were having them il-legally and DYING, along with their babies, for almost as long as we’ve been able to make babies. Do we really think that’s best?
I believe that the citizens of this country – with “Christians” first in line – should be:
1) Teaching their daughters about sex and its consequences; encouraging abstention but preparing for temptation,
2) Realistic about expectations for those women (young and not-so-young) who have “unwanted” pregnancies,
3) Providing support for those who seek abortions and don’t have them if they are talked out of it (especially by a Christian Organization) and,
4) Therapy for ALL who seek information and assistance.
It makes me so angry to think that people who call themselves Christians can think of no better way to get woman to NOT have abortions than picketing facilities while screaming at patients and, in extreme cases, blowing them up! Why not do something constructive and volunteer at a crisis pregnancy center. Hand out their business cards at the abortion clinic. PRAY in the parking lot. Don’t be confrontational and mean, be loving and gracious.
Okay, stepping down from my soapbox now.
As I was saying . . . I don’t want government bail-outs for every idiot who runs a company into the ground and I don’t think the taxpayers should foot the bill for people who spend more than they can afford on a mortgage OR the companies who let them do so. However, I’m not an economic or financial genius, as evidenced by our credit score and bank balances, so I’m willing to let someone smarter than I am to make decisions about it for the most part.
I don’t want a socialist society, per se, but I would like to see a fairer tax code and I believe that, in the wealthiest country on the planet, it’s a travesty to have children go hungry and homeless. Frankly, I’m angrier with the Christian community about the existence of all the hunger and need in our country than with the government. Jesus called us to give to and care for “the least of these.” Not hoard money and treasure for ourselves “where moths and rust . . . destroy.”
I want us out of Iraq. I want Osama bin Laden hunted down and brought to justice and he’s not in Iraq. Never was.
Finally, sort of, I don’t want someone LIKE me running the country. As forward-thinking as the founding fathers were, I’m not sure they ever envisioned what the US has become. It’s much bigger and much more complex than even those brilliant men could have anticipated. So, even though John Adams
and Thomas Jefferson
envisioned “every man” being able to be President, “every man” (or “woman”) is not who I want running this country. I’d like to see someone in charge that can RELATE to me . . . but definitely think it should be someone smarter than me. A lot smarter.
Which takes me back to the two-party question – what smart person really wants to be held to some broad guidelines thought up by party big wigs who are completely out of touch? I want someone who’s not beholden to anyone else for any reason and is going to do what’s best for the country regardless of what the party says.
Oh well, in a perfect world. . .
Which takes me back to the two-party question – what smart person really wants to be held to some broad guidelines thought up by party big wigs who are completely out of touch? I want someone who’s not beholden to anyone else for any reason and is going to do what’s best for the country regardless of what the party says.
Oh well, in a perfect world. . .