Wednesday, July 30, 2008


So we spent last weekend with Tim's parents at Dale Hollow Lake. When I say "we," I mean me, Tim, Sara and Noah. Again, we were in a "missing (wo)man formation" without Mary. There's a serious hole in me when she's not along. I wonder if I'll ever get over that and what it will be like when there are three. . .

In any event, as I've mentioned before, vacations for the Hamiltons have been spent with my In-laws for, well, ever. Since before Tim and I were Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton.

They never will be again. At least not in the same way. Bob and Janet have decided to sell their boat and had actually talked to a guy (who incidentally lives in Mason, Ohio where THEY live) during the time they'd been there the week before. So, not knowing this, we left Mary in Kentucky. As if she needed any MORE drama in her life. ..

This turn of events is bittersweet in that vacations will never be the same. But on the other hand, vacations NEED never be the same! Tim's brother, Tony, has already suggested we rent a boat together and Tim's folks have given us their gear: skiis, life jackets, etc. This might be fun, but a whole world of opportunities is opening to us and that, in a weird way, is exciting.

Perhaps we'll return to Disney World before Mary leaves the nest. A cruise for the whole family? Why not? Of course, that's the fly in this ointment... we have vacationed for a pittance for 25 years. .. .now we'll have to pay, and dearly I'm sure, for our summer fun.

Oh well, I'm looking forward to putting our collective heads together and coming up with something new.

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