Wednesday, November 05, 2008

History in the First Person

Well, the election is over and, even though Missouri and North Carolina are still "too close to call," it appears the people of the United States have smacked their foreheads into the history books and elected an African-American President!!

I'm thrilled with this, of course, and it's a great first step. Now the work begins in our country. Most of it will have nothing to do with Barack Obama. Let's take a long look at the smiling faces on the webpages today and carry them with us starting today. Joy and hope can be contagious and we will need them as our economy, most likely, worsens and soldiers continue to perish in Iraq and Afghanistan. No magic wand was waved last night at midnight so the problems still exist. The difference is, perhaps now we have a leader who can help us, as Keenan says on Saturday Night Live, "fix it!"

God bless Barack Obama, Joe Biden, John McCain, and yes, even Sarah Palin and their families today and grant them rest from their weary sojourn. And may God continue to bless America as we begin ours.


Anonymous said...


How about Them Voters,
smackin they heads?
Electin’ O’bama,
to stand in as pres!

sheddin’ they ig’nrance,
any-which how,
finding it later,
But lo-sin’ it now!

Look at Them Voters,
fun-ny galoots!
Marxism shmarxism,
don’t giv-va hoot!

Them change seekin’ Voters,
each woman an’ man,
Votin' O’bama,
A-knowin’ he can!

How to be such a Voter?
Iffa may emote it,
feel the luv flowin!
then go ahead and vote it!


I like your blog. I didn't vote for O'bama, but - he's in. And... wandering Pilgrims and battle scarred soldiers, You and I both place our trust in something greater than our Government, in the end...

I will pray for the man...


knhamilton87 said...


Good to hear from you. Praying for you and yours.


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