Sunday, August 20, 2006

Homework Help

This wasn't like anything I'd seen or done before so I thought I'd share it:

My name is Kelly Hamilton

My name is Kelly (Noah’s mom).
The name I should be called is “Mom,” because that’s how most people know me – I'm Mary, Sara and Noah’s mom.
The animal that is inside of me is a cat because I love to take naps.
What’s in my heart is Jesus because He helps me love others.
The sound I like is my children’s laughter.
The sound I dislike is the noises people make when they eat.
The smell I love is chocolate chip cookies out of the oven.
The smell I don’t love is burnt popcorn.
I love to touch my family with hugs and kisses.
I don’t love to touch any food that’s gone bad – ewwww.
I love the taste of milk chocolate.
The taste I don’t love is coconut.
Something I like to look at is my kids when they are being loving and sweet.
I don’t like to see suffering and pain.
My favorite memory is our family trip to Ocean Isle Beach, North Carolina when Noah was two. He really liked playing in the water!
My favorite thing in the whole world is being with my family having fun – inside or out!


Tim and I did a small skit in church this morning. It was about a guy coming to terms with his past and trying to move forward through his issues with his dad. Hit a lot of buttons with people and it felt good to think we were part of a message that's universal. If we believe in Jesus and being made "new" in Him, why do we continue to hang on so tightly to all the bad stuff (and good) from the past? We aren't what we did or said or thought then, we're today; we're this moment.

I need to take that thought with me to work tomorrow!

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Time Flying. . .

Tomorrow is the start of the 2006-07 school year. Mary will be a Senior. She had her Senior Portraits taken earlier in the summer and we're supposed to go at the end of August to purchase a package. Where have the days gone?

I'm still at KET. I'm staring down the barrel of my year anniversary and feeling deserving of a ginormous pat on the back. It's the most stressful job I've ever had. But there have been some wonderful moments and I know my kids have had fun here -- despite missing me during pledge drives. I literally lost the month of March.

Tim's back is great for the most part -- if he overdoes it he has pain but who doesn't. The surgery was a miracle. He's working hard on his bachelor's degree and should be done in December 2007 -- the end of Mary's freshman year in college. Irony rules my life.

Sara is a freshman tomorrow. She auditioned for and made Color Guard. She has worked really hard this summer (as have all the girls and the band) and I'm excited because the first home football game is Friday night! I am encouraging her (I hope NOT too strongly because I know that will actually DIScourage her) to think about trying out to be a drum major -- she'd be perfect for it! I think she's excited about high school but, as anyone would be, nervous. Mary says she will share her locker with Sara . . .which I find extremely sweet.

Noah starts 4th grade. In Lexington, that's the year you begin to get letter grades and you start your portfolio. It was a hard year for both girls. I don't want to anticipate or assume anything but I'm girding myself. . .

I know it seems like I whine a lot. . . I guess I just get tired of never having any money. It's not like we don't work hard. Stuff is just expensive.

Why You Shouldn’t Visit That New Mom and Her Baby

Close your eyes and think about the last time you visited a brand new mom, either in the hospital or at home.  Did you call first? If you d...